Wednesday 14 March 2012

OI! I said OI!

Plan B’s new single swaggers through the speakers with it’s cutting lyrics and smart production. Staccato strings open the song and they menace through the rest of it like an August mob. Plan B is in touch with his habitat ‘Let’s all go on an urban safari’. Prodigy esque beats ricochet around the angry young man’s newest public speaker. This is an artist that isn’t afraid to speak his mind and to draw attention to the fact that there are major problems in our society. Within the first thirty seconds of the song it’s suggested that Cameron is a ‘see you next Tuesday’ and the video shows an image of Cameron and Clegg atop a wedding cake. As Cameron plays bezzie mates with Obama, Plan B utters ‘..he’s got some front’.
In the wake of the recession and Tory rule it’s easy to get used to the state of things. The August riots were a wake up, the aftermath full of observation and review. However it seems nobody has been inspired by it to drastically want to say something. Until now...this is a grimey warning to take stock and not forget the events of August. This song echoes that we can’t just forget about the stabbings of and by young kids in London or anywhere else, we can’t forget that we’re in a plutocracy while many of us struggle to get through each week, we can’t forget that every day people who are supposed to be looking after our society are secretly trying to sabotage it for their own gain. 
The riots of August have clearly shocked Plan B aka Ben Drew into ditching the soulful sounds of The Defamation of Strickland Banks. He’s gone back to the sound he started with; gritty, sharp witted, urban poetry. Hopefully this is a taster of more things to come from him.
And to those who are running us into the ground, to the ones who want to privatise our NHS, Police Force and other important parts of our society...

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