Wednesday, 13 June 2012


Prometheus looked pretty exciting in the trailer, it looked pretty exciting from the outset, it looked pretty exciting from the first ten minutes. However don’t be fooled because this is one of the worst films I have ever seen with some shocking acting from supposedly big stars. 
The film is supposed to be pre-Alien and sees researchers flying to a planet on the intelligence that the origins of the human race can be found there. Ridley Scott’s film lumbers through the scientist’s arrival and encounter on the planet, while we have to watch flat characters make no journey whatsoever from start to finish. An appalling Charlize Theron gives 1 2 3 acting a whole new makeover. It’s only Michael Fassenbender’s David that remotely comes across convincing and that’s saying something as he’s an unemotional cyborg. I don’t know what the heck Scott was on when he thought it was a good idea to have a decapitated David being carried around at the end of the film. It’s at this point that I considered walking out, even the penultimate scene eith CGI crashing space ships couldn’t save it.
This is what gives Sci-Fi a bad name, think Dr Who but without that self awareness element that makes it so lovable. 
I think what was essentially missing from this film was a sense of fun. You can’t show a decapitated cyborg head being carried around and not be self aware of it’s ridiculousness. If you did you would end up with a serious, dry, boring and easy to mock film...oh ....wait....that’s awkward. 

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