Friday 13 January 2012

Library with shiny glass doors.

I tried to go to the Library this morning. I like our Library. It's a really old building that feels right as a Library. It's got high ceilings and those old metal radiators that look cold even though they're pumping out heat. It reminds me of an old university Library with its quiet and understated atmosphere.

I'd known that it would be shut over Christmas, which I thought was probably just for a lick of paint. There was a sign saying it would re-open on the 13th January 2012. So I thought I would go down and take a look this morning. However when I got there it appears I'd misread the sign, which in fact said it would re-open today in it's new location down the road. A sudden horror gripped me as I looked on the map provided as the realisation of this new location hit me. For months they've been building this new build just off the main high street. I had naively presumed it was flats. I did this because of the modern brickwork and fancy glass windows they were putting up. It turns out this new ultra modern flat like building is in fact to be the new home of our local Library. 


When I want to go and read books or write creative things I don't want to sit in a place that's new, modern and super clean. I want old brickwork, cold looking radiators and a building with history. Instead I'm going to have to sit in a room that would be better suited as a doctors surgery and have to squint over the books as an obscene amount of light glares in through giant glass doors and windows. 
I bet the architect has never read a book in his life and usually designs Hospitals. Why do local councils have to mess with good things? They'll argue that it's a new building and its great for the local community and that we should be lucky to even have a library.  I like my libraries to be old and dusty, that's how I know I'm in a library. Now I'm going to get confused with the library, doctors and local school because they all look the same! They'll all probably fall down in a few years as well. If they put a bank or a hair dressers in that building so help me....ok I'm done. 


  1. At least your town held on to it's library as long as it did before remodeling it. Our libraries here are as big as a tree house and only shelve the Twilight series.

  2. Oh dear. Yeah it's a shame about Libraries. I mean it's great we have ebooks now and an endless supply of information. But it's not the same as an old dusty library. Not a Twilight fan then? Yes unfortunately the classics and literary sections in libraries are getting ever smaller. and being replace by that sort of stuff!

  3. It's not that I am against Twilight, whatever gets people reading is great, but the fact that Twilight and Harry Potter are all our libraries ( Las Vegas) have to offer is rather sad. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan but I like other books that didn't come out in the past decade as well.

    I don't know about you but I can't read ebooks, it's all, if you get what I mean.

  4. Yeah it's difficult especially with older books as I guess people are just more tempted to watch the film.

    I'm actually ok with ebooks, I have a kindle and really like it. But yeah I get what you mean, sometimes it's just nice to feel the pages beneath your fingers.
