Thursday 19 January 2012


Right so I went to see the new Guy Ritchie Sherlock last night and I couldn't help but compare it to the BBC's modern Sherlock. I have to say the BBC's Sherlock is far superior in terms of script and production, mainly because it is more engaging than the films. The films are great entertainment and there are some stunning visual effects. The penultimate scenes where Sherlock and co are running through the woods being shot at by Moriarty's men is the highlight of the film and brings to mind the action sequences from films like House of Flying Daggers.

However the BBC's version is just a lot slicker and there seems to be more thought behind it. Both productions use slo-mo but the Cumberbatch version justifies the use as a way of glimpsing into the working of Sherlock's mind. One episode sees Sherlock delving into his mind palace and the production helps the viewer to comprehend this. Ritchie's Sherlock uses the slo-mo to predict the fighting which doesn't really have the same effect as it gets a bit predictable by the end of the film.

The differences in the two portrayals of Sherlock are amusing, Downey's muscular but emotionally weak Sherlock is a mirror image of Cumberbatch's lanky but mentally strong detecive. The two Dr Watson's are pretty much identical with only Law's Watson being slightly more energetic and charismatic than Freeman's characterisation.

I would recommend seeing the film and then buying the serialised version for repetitive viewing.

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